Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We are having fun getting to run around in the yard with no snow, WOOHOO! Now if dad can get his lazy body in motion and walk us it would be awesome, he still claims his back hurts, Ha FAKER! If there was a corona down on the railroad tracks he would go get it. All kidding aside, Spring is here even though it is cold, everyone has a cold and sniffling, except us super corgamatics, all we have is an appetite! Dads planting seeds for the garden and they are actually growing, wait til  they get outside haha. We are doing great and need a bath as usual, but that is because the rain makes it muddy out. Sun is soon to rule the skies and the swimming pool will be out and long days and walks, and swimming in the ocean and ponds, can you howl with us? HOOOOWWWLLL! : ) enjoy spring folks, we will be enjoying it.